It is really crazy how fast babies grow!
It blows me away that our little Lexi is starting to read and that she will soon be
in kindergarten. I have so many mixed exciting and so sad.
We love her and love how much her little personality adds to our family.

How Sweet is this!?
Kami Lexi Grandma
Grandma painted Lexi's fingers and toes while I did her hair.
We had a great little spa happening in the kitchen
until Lexi burned her
little hand on the flat iron. It is true...Beauty is Pain!

We were so proud of Lexi she knew all the words to the songs and
did the actions perfectly. She even managed to smile...which can be hard
for her sometimes :) She loved singing! Lucky for us, she was in the front row.

John and I teared up a few times but we made it through the program.
The miracle song is the one that gets me every time she sings it!
"Oh what a miracle, every little part of meI'm so special , so very special"
Colten was also impressed with her performance!
Brody is attacking Lexi...I was going to crop this picture but I left him in
because anyone who knows Brody would know exactly what is happening here.
I bet you can even hear the little growling noise that he does.

Age 4 is such a fun age. I wish I could freeze time and just enjoy Lexi more.
Lexi is so excited to learn and so funny. I love waking up in the morning and
hearing her tell me about her dreams. I love the excitement in her face when
she learns something new and is proud of herself. The other day she told me she felt the
Holy Ghost. It is so fun to see her drawings and how she
sees the world. Sometimes it is scary how much she is like me! Luckily she has some of her Dad mixed in too.

Lexi has lots of people who love her very much!
Grandma, Grandpa,
Colten, and
Kami were able to come to graduation.
Dan, Sue, Katie, Kelly, and Colleen were also able to come but they left before the photo shoot.

Backstage excitement! You can't see in this picture but her toenails
are bright accent her cap and gown.
She is so cute!

I can't possible say enough about how great Miss Angela is. She cared about Lexi and made her
pre school experience the best that it could be. When Lexi started Creative Kids she had never been away from me so it was hard for her to understand why I wasn't always with her. We are so lucky to have Angela and I thank her for loving her, and for teaching her to always do her best and that her best is good enough. We love you!